Friday, October 12, 2018

Friday Update

Happy Friday! We had a busy week here in Gifted. From Picasso masks to 3D maps, to paper airplanes, we sure made a mess. Here are a few important announcements and reminders:

Focus has finally been updated for almost all of our students. This means that Mrs. Ramirez and I will be responsible for taking attendance on your child’s gifted day. Should they be absent from our class due to illness or another valid reason, please send in a note so we can excuse the absence. If your child is present at their regular school but does not come to gifted, we must receive notification from their classroom teachers. Otherwise, they will be marked absent.

Please return the contact information sheets if you have not already done so. Quite a few students have not returned theirs. We will be sending home another packet if we did not receive the forms.

5th Grade field trip money is due no later than 10/23.
4th Grade field trip money is due no later than 11/15.

All chaperones must be approved volunteers. Please see the DCPS website for more information. Also, due to the long-standing District policy, chaperones may not ride the bus.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend! 

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